Hey! Let’s Start a Plan…
Now we are going to start moving, putting fire under our feet…
Ready, Set, Go!
What do you want to accomplish with your finances & why?
What’s holding you back & what are your fears?
I’ll go first..
Goal-By the end of 2021, I would like increase my savings so that I can invest in more real estate. Sound easy right, not really. That means I have I may have to cut back on doing things I like to do, stop making certain purchases, and give up a couple of vacations.
Fear-What if I do this and make a bad investment? All of the sacrifice would have been for nothing.
Focusing on my what & why helps me push through these fears. So now I'm willing to take the chance an make this is my major goal for 2021.
So now that I’ve been completely honest… your turn!